Belmont Abbey College, located near Charlotte, North Carolina, is Catholic college known for supporting students as they pursue studies in a community based on learning and faith. The diverse faculty of BAC provides individual attention to students and is intent on providing academically excellent instruction in the humanities, natural sciences, professional studies, and social sciences.
BAC also provides number of campus life activities and opportunities for students including campus ministry, volunteer opportunities, clubs and organizations, fraternities and sororities, and student government.
Students of Belmont Abbey College grow intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally. Find scholarships from Belmont Abbey College with Zinch today.?

Top 5
Belmont Abbey College, located near Charlotte, North Carolina, is Catholic college known for supporting students as they pursue studies in a community based on learning and faith. The diverse faculty of BAC provides individual attention to students and is intent on providing academically excellent instruction in the humanities, natural sciences, professional studies, and social sciences. BAC also provides a number of campus life activities and opportunities for students. Students of Belmont Abbey College grow intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally.
Biology is the study of life, and of life processes. The Biology Department believes that knowledge of biological principles is necessary for every educated person. The Department offers foundation courses for non-majors, a B.S. or a B.A. degree for those who seek to major in Biology, and the option of a concentration in environmental science. The Department provides students with an appreciation of the organization, evolution, and interrelationships of organisms, the understanding of the techniques, goals and limits of science as a process, and the quality laboratory experience. Biology majors develop oral and written presentation abilities, and receive academic preparation and skills for entry into graduate and professional programs, and into the workplace. Biology students are considered partners in the learning process and are expected to demonstrate cooperation with faculty in their progression.
It is the nature of biology to observe the fundamental symmetry of nature and the patterns and tempo in the evolution of organisms. In this biologists, and scientists in general, seek to understand the natural world. The first goal of the Biology Department is to familiarize students with the natural world and to gain a minimal understanding of the processes that govern the way that the natural world functions. We hope to help students become good citizens who can effectively participate in society. Increasingly the ethical questions which society debates are rooted in science. To participate in debate, and to make informed decisions, students will have to understand the underlying science.
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes and the application of psychological knowledge to the promotion of human welfare. The Department of Psychology program provides exposure to the major areas in the discipline and cultivates a capacity for critical examination of theories, methods of research and measurement, and practical applications of psychological knowledge. Students who complete any of the department’s undergraduate programs will be eligible to compete for acceptance into graduate programs or into post-baccalaureate employment in the health and human services fields, various industries and businesses, and educational organizations. Students who wish to become professional psychologists—whether in clinical, research, or academic settings—must complete a bachelor’s degree, and subsequently, either a Master’s or doctoral degree. The department offers students a choice of earning a B. S. in Psychology, a B. A. in Psychology, or Bachelor of Arts in Applied Psychology (Adult Degree Program Students only). The B. S. emphasizes neuropsychology and the connections between psychology and the natural sciences and mathematics. The B. A. focuses more on the connections among psychology, philosophy and the other social sciences. It also requires a more in-depth study of personality theories. The B. A. in Applied Psychology focuses on the application of psychology to solve problems and promote human welfare. While all three degrees offer a solid foundation in psychology and can prepare students for graduate study or for entering the workforce, students who are planning to pursue careers in psychiatry, clinical psychology, neuropsychology or health care are encouraged to choose the B. S. option.
The general goal of the Department of Psychology is to contribute to the development of a thinking citizenry by helping students develop the skills necessary to be informed consumers of psychology. That is, students should be able to understand and evaluate psychological research that is presented in the popular press using both critical thinking skills and an understanding of the appropriate interpretation and application of psychological research. The department has the following specific goals for students majoring in psychology: 1) To understand the discipline of psychology and its role in contributing to our comprehension of human persons; 2) To understand the role of theory in psychology; 3) To develop research skills and understand the role of evidence in psychology; 4) To understand basic issues in psychology, such as the nature-nurture issue; 5) To understand the major concepts and findings in psychology; 6) To understand the importance of interactions among biological, environmental and personal/cognitive factors in determining behavior; 7) To understand the importance of individual and cultural differences in psychology; 167 8) To understand in depth at least one area of psychology; 9) To understand the philosophical and historical background of psychology; and 10) To engage in opportunities for practical professional experiences and career exploration.
Business Management
Business Management courses develop knowledge and skills in effective communication practices, critical thinking, intelligent problem solving, informed decision making, and responsible action. The focus on communication, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, and responsible action expresses the intrinsic connection between professional preparation and a liberal arts education.
?To prepare our Business majors with the knowledge, skills, and work ethic needed for career success.
?To instill in our Business majors a commitment to ethical business practices and social responsibility.
?To provide our Business majors with opportunities to apply knowledge and skills learned in courses to field experiences and profession-affiliated student organizations.
?To enhance our Business majors’ ability to become independent learners and thinkers who can take ownership of their careers in a changing business environment.
?The following themes are incorporated across the Business curriculum in support of the above goals:
?Communications skills: writing and presentations
?Decision-making and problem-solving: strategies, tools, and techniques
?Technology applications skills: word-processing, presentation, spreadsheet, database, internet research skills, particular to specific disciplines in the business field
?Globalization and diversity in the U.S. workplace and marketplace
?Team building and collaboration
?Critical thinking and reasoning
?Creative thinking and initiative
?Leadership qualities and skills
?Business ethics
Sports Management
The contemporary sport industry is unique and demands a variety of skills and knowledge.
The Sport Management curriculum at Belmont Abbey College educates students to work in this highly complex environment with particular emphasis on the business, management, and legal characteristics of sport. In addition, students in the sport management curriculum integrate the skills and knowledge of the industry with the values of the College’s liberal arts curriculum. This combination of specific knowledge of sport, coupled with the creative, ethical, and analytic emphasis of the liberal arts produces talented professionals in the field of sport management.
Upon completion of the curriculum, graduates who earn a Bachelor of Arts in Sport Management will be able to:
?Understand the technical, interpersonal, and conceptual skills required to function as an effective sport manager in today’s complex sport environment.
?Recognize the importance of planning, management, and leadership in contemporary sport organizations, and apply those skills in sport management settings.
?Appreciate the socio-cultural characteristics of sport and its effects on participants, spectators, and society.
?Appreciate the ethical demands in today’s sport environment and its effects on personal and organizational responsibility.
?Develop appropriate ethical practices that will be applied in sport management settings.
?Understand the governance structure of various sport organizations and their influence on operations and decision-making.
?Understand the legal and regulatory environment of contemporary sport.